dollars, out of any unappropriated money in the Trea-
sury, for such repairs of the Treasury Office, as he
may deem necessary.
No. 86.
Passed Mar. 9,
Resolution in favor of Richard G. Glover.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the treasurer pay to Richard G. Glover, the sum
of fifty dollars, for services rendered to the Senate as
page, during the present session.
No. 87.
Mar. 9, 1850.
Resolution in favor of Messrs. Iglehart and Caldwell.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the treasurer pay Iglehart and Caldwell, or order,
the sum of twelve dollars and twenty-four cents, being
for articles furnished the State of Maryland, at Decem-
session, eighteen hundred and forty-nine.
No. 88.
Mar. 9, 1850.
Preamble and Resolutions in relation to resolution num-
ber eight, of December session, eighteen hundred and
WHEREAS, in pursuance of a resolution number eight,
of eighteen hundred and forty, a joint committee of the
Senate and House of Delegates, consisting of three mem-
bers, one from the Senate and two from the House of
Delegates, are required to be appointed to execute said
resolution; and whereas, no time remains for said com-
mittee to perform the duties incumbent upon them, dur-
ing the present session of the Legislature — Therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That said committee may postpone so much of their