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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 767   View pdf image
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letter to each of the above named gentlemen, inform-
ing them respectively of their said appointment.

No. 50.
Resolutions in relation to the State Library.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Librarian be and he is hereby authorised to
prepare a new catalouge of the books, and so fourth,
in the Library, one hundred and fifty copies of which
shall be printed under his superintendence, and the
Librarian is also hereby authorised to make and have
printed indexes to such of the Public Documents, as
in the judgment of the committees of the two houses
of the General Assembly on the Library, may require
them, and that the Treasurer pay to him such sum of
money as compensation therefor, as the Governor may
order, and likewise the cost of printing the same, on
the like order of the Governor, out of any unappro-
priated money in the Treasury.

Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Libra-
rian, after such catalouge be completed and before
every session of the Legislature, to make a supplemen-
tal catalouge of all books added to the Library subse-
quently to the publication of the general catalouge.
Resolved, That the committees on the Library, be
authorised to designate such Histories, Public Docu-
ments, now in the Library, as they may deem proper,
to be furnished to the Literary and Scientific Associa-
tions of Great Britain, mentioned in a list accom-
panying the Librarian's report, or such of them as may
seem proper, the donations thereof to be accompanied
with a request that they be reciprocated.
Resolved, That a joint committee be appointed to
prepare a systems of regulations by which the Libra-
rian shall be governed in the general superintendence
and care of the public buildings and grounds within
the State House Circle, and that said committee have
power to examine the public property, and to suggest
any needful repairs of the same.

Passed Mar. 4,

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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 767   View pdf image
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