cause of his present imprisonment, and the said re-
cognizance may be reviewed by the said county
court, if the purposes of justice shall in their opinion
require it.
No. 47.
Resolution in favor of Mary Grove.
Passed Mar. 1,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer be and he is hereby authorised
and required to pay to Mary Grove, widow of William
Grove, a revolutionary soldier, late of Allegany coun-
ty, deceased, such sum of money annually, commenc-
ing from the first of January, eighteen hundred and
fifty, during her life time, as will be equal to the half
pay of a private.
No. 48.
Passed Mar. 1,
Resolution in favor of the legal Representatives of
Elizabeth Hawman.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer pay to, Philip and Frederick Haw-
man, the legal heirs and representatives of Elizabeth
Hawman, deceased, or their order, the sum of ten
dollars, being the balance of pension due her at the
time of her death.
No. 49.
Passed Mar. 1,
Resolutions appointing Isaac C. Anderson and Wit-
liam Price, Esquires, Directors on the part of the
State, in the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Com-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Isaac C. Anderson and William Price, be and
they are hereby appointed directors on the part of
this State, in the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road
Company, to fill the vacancies created by the resig-
nations of Elias T. Griffin and James Sykes.
Resolved, That the President of the Senate and
Speaker of the House of Delegates address a joint