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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 765   View pdf image
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No. 44.


Resolutions relative to a Light Boat, to be stationed
at Janes' Island.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That our Senators and Representatives in Congress
be requested to use their efforts to obtain an appro-
priation for building a Light Boat of a suitable size,
to be stationed at Janes' Island Bar, in the Tangier
Sound, Somerset County Maryland.
Resolved further, That His Excellency the Governor
be, requested to forward a copy of the foregoing resolution
to our Senators and Representatives in Congress.

No. 45.

Passed Feb. 28,

Resolution appointing Directors in the Susquehanna
Rail Road Company.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Coleman Yellott, Samuel H. Tagart, Walter
Farnandis, Joseph Simms and Joshua F. Cockey, be
and they are hereby appointed directors in the Balti-
more and Susquehanna Rail Road Company, on the
part of this State.

No. 46.

Passed Mar. 1,

Preamble and resolution in favor of Jacob Lichty,
of Washington County.

WHEREAS, Jacob Lichty is now confined in Wash-
ington County Jail, in default of recognizance to sup
port an illegitimate child.
v Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be the duty of any justice of the peace
of Washington County, to whom application may be
made for that purpose, to discharge Jacob Lichty,
now confined in the jail of Washington County,
upon his entering into personal recognizance, with-
out any security, in such penalty as such justice
shall prescribe, for his personal appearance before
Washington County Court, to answer what may be
alleged against him in the matter aforesaid as the

Passed Mar. 1,

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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 765   View pdf image
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