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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 764   View pdf image
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No. 42.

Passed Feb. 27,

Preamble and Resolution in favor of George W.
Goddard, and James T. Hayden.
WHEREAS, it appears to this General Assembly, that
George W. Goddard, and James T. Hayden, of Saint
Mary's county, at great personal risk to themselves,
arrested in said county, in the year eighteen hundred
and forty-eight, a free negro, named James Stewart,
who had fled from Baltimore city, under the charge
of aiding, assisting and enticing certain slaves to es-
cape from their masters into a free State; and whereas,
the said Stewart has been convicted of the said crime
and is now undergoing punishment therefor in the
penitentiary of this State; and whereas, it is impor-
tant that such services should meet with their proper
reward — Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer of the State of Maryland, pay to
George W. Goddard, and James T. Hayden, or to their
order, out of any unappropriated money in the Trea-
sury, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars.

No. 43.

Passed Feb. 28,

Resolution in favor of Thomas Burgess.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer be and he is hereby authorised to
pay to Thomas Burgess, late sheriff of Howard dis-
trict, out of any unappropriated money in the Trea-
sury, the sum of fourteen dollars and twenty-six
cents, with interest from the twenty-eighth day of
April, eighteen hundred and forty-six, it being six
per cent commission on seals and taxes, fines, and
forfeitures, collected and paid by the said sheriff into
the Treasury of the State.

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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 764   View pdf image
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