eighteen hundred and fifty-five, deem the aforesaid judg-
ments insecure, and likely to be lost, in the whole or in
part, he shall be and and is hereby authorised to have
the same closed by execution.
Resolved further, That execution may be issued on
said judgments, upon the defendants therein failing to
comply with any of the provisions of the above first re-
solution , and may be issued at any time after such fail-
ure, without revival by scire facias, except in the case of
the death of either of the said defendants.
No. 31.
Passed Feb. 1,
Resolution authorising the Treasurer to pay Gassaway
Owens, the balance of pension due Arthridge Fog-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That in lieu of the order in favor of the legal represen-
tatives of Arthridge Foggett, passed the first day of Feb-
ruary, eighteen hundred and fifty, the Treasurer of Ma-
ryland is hereby directed to pay to Gassaway Owens,
her legal representative, the arrears of pension accruing
to the said Arthridge Foggett, in pursuance of resolution,
number sixty-five, of December session, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-four.
No. 32.
Passed Feb. 19,
Preamble and Resolution in the matter of the attempt
of John Lee, of Frederick county, to recapture his
fugitive slave.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assem-
bly, that in the matter of the attempt of John Lee, a
citizen of Frederick county, in the State of Maryland,
to recapture his fugitive slave, Joseph Bell, within the
limits of the State of New York, the said, negro slave
was discharged from custody, by J. W. Edmonds, a
justice of the supreme court of the State of New York,
upon grounds going to the entire practical abnegation of
all laws passed by Congress, to secure to the master the
guarantee of his fugitive property, provided by section
second of article fourth of the constitution of the United