States; and whereas, the question, in interest, is not
confined to the individual party, but materially concerns
the whole population of the State; and whereas, it is
the duty of the State to assume direction of all actions
involving her federal relations with her sister States, in
whatever shape presented — Therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the attorney general of the State of Maryland, be
and he is hereby directed to take all necessary steps, at
the expense of the State, to have the decision rendered
by J. W. Edmonds, justice of the supreme court of the
State of New York, in the matter of the petition of Jo-
seph Belt, claimed as the slave of John Lee, reviewed
by the highest judicial tribunal in the State of New
York, and if necessary to prosecute a further appeal on
behalf of the said John Lee, to the supreme court of the
United States, and that, for his services in this behalf,
the treasurer is directed to pay out of any unappropriated
funds, to the order of the attorney general, such sum as
the Governor of the State shall, in his judgment, allow.
No. 33.
Resolution in favor of Isaac Hull, administrator of Pe-
ter Hull, deceased.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer of the State, is hereby authorised
and directed to pay to Isaac Hull, or order, administra-
tor of Peter Hull, deceased, the sum of forty dollars, on
account of excess of taxes paid by him as leather in-
spector of the city of Baltimore.
No. 34.
Passed Feb. 20,
Resolution in favor of Judge Nicholas Brewer.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer of the State is hereby authorised and
directed to pay Nicholas Brewer, or order, the sum
of five hundred dollars, for services performed by him
as Chancellor of the State.
Feb. 20, 1850.