Resolved, That we claim for ourselves and accord to
others the widest liberty of opinion and of expression,
and do not find in difference of views on constitutional
or moral questions, ground for dissension or complaint,
but we cannot, in justice to ourselves, entertain a com-
munication that condemns our institutions in terms de-
signed to outrage the feelings of our constituents, and to
exhibit a studied disrespect to their representatives.
Resolved further, That firmly attached to the union
of the States, we will not entertain or consider resolu-
tions denouncing institutions recognised and guarantied
by the constitution and laws of the United States, and
of this State, and having for their palpable object to pro-
voke a dissolution of the Union.
Resolved, That the Governor of this State, be and he
is hereby requested to return to the Governor of Vermont,
the resolution of her Legislature, and to transmit with
them a copy of these resolutions, as explanatory of the
reason which impels us to this course.
No. 29.
Feb. 12, 1850.
Preamble and Resolution in favor of the Maryland
Institute, for the promotion of Mechanic Arts.
WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Maryland,
has evinced a disposition to encourage agricultural labor,
and has, by the appointment of a State chemist, award-
ed to that branch of industry the advantage of its aid in
discoveries promotive to its profitable pursuit; and
whereas, the improvement and extension of mechanic
arts, equally deserve the countenance and patronage of
the State, and are alike conducive to individual happi-
ness and State prosperity; and whereas, acting under
the influence of an enlightened spirit, the Legislature of
Maryland, at its December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty nine, by resolution number forty-five, did
contribute through its treasury to the promotion of me-
chanic arts, which contribution was continued until by
disasters the Maryland Institute, the then object of her
bounty, ceased to exist; and whereas, that institute
has been revived, and is now in advance progress, and
it is proper that its utility should be enlarged.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer of the State of Maryland, be and he
is hereby directed to pay annually to the president of the
Maryland Institute, for the promotion of the mechanic