for fees due him as clerk of the court of appeals for the
Eastern Shore.
No. 26.
Resolution in favor of John L. Stansbury.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer of the State, be and he is hereby au-
thorised to pay John L. Stansbury, clerk to the commis-
sioners of Baltimore county, or order, the sum of nine
dollars, being the amount due him for copies of collec-
tor's bond, ordered and furnished the deputy attorney
general, in cases where suit had been instituted for the
recovery of State tax in said county.
No. 27.
Passed Feb. 6,
Resolution in favor of the legal representatives of Arth-
ridge Foggett.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Treasurer of Maryland pay out of any unap-
propriated funds, to the order of the legal representatives
of Arthridge Foggett, the arrears of pension due her on
the twentieth day of May, eighteen hundred and forty-
nine, dated from the first of January, eighteen hundred
and forty-nine, in pursuance of resolution number sixty-
five, of December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-
No. 28.
Passed Feb. 6,
Resolutions in relation to certain resolutions transmitted
by the Governor of Vermont, on the subject of
Resolved by the General, Assembly of Maryland,
That we recognise it as our duty to treat with considera-
tion and respect the resolutions of other States, express-
ing in calm and dignified terms their honest convictions
of grave constitutional rights.
Passed Feb. 9,