No. 14.
Jan. 29, 1850.
Resolutions in favor of Lieutenant James Madison
Frailey, United States Navy.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the thanks of this body are justly due to James
Madison Frailey, a citizen of Maryland, and a Lieuten-
ant in the Navy of the United States, for his gallant
and good conduct during the war with Mexico.
Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor, be
requested to transmit to Lieutenant James Madison
Frailey. a copy of this resolution, duly authenticated.
No. 15.
Jan. 29, 1850.
Resolutions in favor of Captain Henry Little, of the
United States Army.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the thanks of the General Assembly of Maryland,
are due and are hereby presented to Captain Henry
Little, of the seventh Regiment, United States Infantry,
a native citizen of Maryland, for gallant and good con-
duct under General Taylor, and subsequently under:
General Scott, in the late war with Mexico.
Resolved, That the Governor, be and he is hereby
requested to communicate a copy of the foregoing reso-
lution to Captain Henry Little, duly authenticated.
No. 16.
Jan. 29, 1850.
Resolution in favor of Captain James E. Stewart.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the thanks of this body are due to Captain James
E. Stewart, of the Baltimore and District of Columbia
Battalion, for his gallant conduct in Mexico, and thai
the Governor be requested to send a copy of this reso-
lution, duly authenticated, to that officer.