No. 17.
Preamble and resolutions in favor of Major Daniel H.
WHEREAS, Brevet Major Daniel H. McPhail, late of
the fifth regiment of United States Infantry, a native of
the city of Baltimore, in this State, having distinguished
Himself by his bravery and gallantry in eleven battles
during the recent conflict of arms with the Republic of
Mexico — Therefore,
lie it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the thanks and congratulations of the Legis-
lature of his native State, be and the same are hereby
tendered to Brevet Major Daniel H. McPhail, late of
the United States Army, for his gallant conduct and
bearing as an officer during the recent war with Mexico.
Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor, be re-
quested to transmit a copy of this preamble and resolu-
tion to Major McPhail.
No. 18.
Jan. 29, 1850.
Resolutions tendering the thanks of the Legislature to
Brevet Major Howard, Brevet Major Archer, Cap-
tain James C. Marriott and Captain James Piper, for
their gallant conduct in our recent brilliant struggle
with Mexico.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the thanks of the Legislature be tendered to
Brevet Major Howard, Brevet Major Archer, Captain
James C. Marriott and Captain James Piper, for their
gallant conduct in our recent brilliant and successful
struggle with Mexico.
Resolved, That the Governor, be requested to trans-
mit a copy of the aforegoing resolution to each of these
Jan. 29, 1850.