No. 8.
Jan. 29, 1850.
Resolution authorising the Treasurer to receive the
Rail Road Dividend of eighteen hundred and forty-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer be and he is hereby authorised and re-
quired to demand and receive from the Baltimore and
Ohio Rail Road Company, the dividend due the State,
declared by said company on the fourth day of No-
vember, eighteen hundred and forty-six, partly in cash
and partly in dividend bonds, with the interest there-
on accumulated, and that he have authority to con-
vert said dividend bonds into cash, whenever he shall
deem it necessary and advisable for the interest of the
No. 9.
Passed Jan. 29,
Resolution in favor of Mrs. Matilda E. Green.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby di-
rected to pay to Mrs. Matilda E. Green the sum of
fifty dollars, on the first day of December, one thou-
sand eight hundred and fifty, for the yearly rent of a
house for the State Engine, and also the same sum
on the first day of December in each and every year
thereafter, so long as the said house is rented by this
State from the said Matilda E. Green.
No. 10.
Passed Jan. 29,
Resolution in favor of Tego Cooper.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Mainland, That
the Treasurer of the State be and he is hereby autho-
rised and directed to pay Tego Cooper, or order, the
sum of eighty one dollars and fifty cents, for services
rendered in arresting Conrad Vinter.