Resolution authorising the Governor to employ coun-
sel to defend Jonathan Little.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governor be directed to procure proper counsel to
defend Jonathan Little, a citizen of Maryland, who
is now confined in the jail of Huntingdon county,
Pennsylvania, awaiting his trial, upon the charge of
kidnapping, and that all expenses necessary attending
said trial, be paid by this State, and that the Governor
of the State be further authorised to allow such sum
as he, in his judgment, may deem proper, for counsel
fees and expenses referred to in this, resolution, and
that the Treasurer of the State is hereby directed to
pay, out of any unappropriated funds, to the parlies
severally entitled, the sums which, by the certificate
of the Governor, shall appear due to them.
No. 7.
Jan. 19, 1850.
Resolution in favor of Priscilla Frazier.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the State of Maryland pay to Pris-
cilla Frazier, executrix of Penelope Frazier, late of
Baltimore county, deceased, or order, whatever sum
may be due the estate of the said testator, at the time
of her death, on the second day of December, in the
year eighteen hundred and forty-eight, as a pensioner
of this State.
Jan. 29, 1850.