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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 673   View pdf image
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be chosen, in the manner hereinafter provided; at all
elections each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote
for every share held by said stockholder, not exceeding


CHAP. 513.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the subscribers for
stock of said company, shall be and they are hereby in-
corporated and constituted a body politic, by the name
of the Kellville and Joppa Cross Roads Turnpike Road
Company, in Harford county, with succession, and by
the same name, they and their successors and assigns,
shall have all the powers, privileges and franchises of
and incident to a corporation, and shall be capable of
taking, and holding the said capital stock, and the in-
crease and profits thereof, and of enlarging and increas-
ing the same, by new subscriptions on the original terms,
if necessary to fulfil the intent of this act, and of pur-
chasing and holding to them and their successors, in fee
simple, or for any lesser estate, such lauds and estate,
real or personal, as shall be necessary for them to prose-
cute their work, of being such and of sueing, answering
and being answered, in any court of law or equity in
this State, and shall have power to make a seal, and al-
ter or break the same, and renew it at their will and
pleasure, and to do all other acts necessary for the pur-
poses for which they are incorporated, as fully as any
other corporation may do.


SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the sums so sub-
scribed shall be paid to the managers of said company,
in such instalments and at such times as they may di-
rect, by giving one month's notice of the payments so

how paid in.

required; provided always, that the subscribers to the
stock shall have the power to pay their subscriptions in
work performed in the construction of the road; provided,
said work is performed at such times and in such manner
as the said managers may direct, and for which, allow-
ance shall be made at the same prices that are usually
given for like work in the neighborhood.


SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the stockholders
in said company shall, on the first Tuesday of Janu-
ary, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and, on the first
Tuesday in January, in each succeeding year, elect by
ballot, as aforesaid, for the ensuing year, seven mana-
gers as aforesaid, and said managers, or a majority of
them, shall elect a president of said company, from
among the stockholders or managers thereof; any
four of the managers including or without the presi-
dent, shall constitute a board and quorum, for the
transaction of business, and shall be competent to ap-
point all officers whatsoever, fix their compensation,

Officers— how
and when to be

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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 673   View pdf image
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