CHAP. 445.
Passed Mar. 9,
An act to divorce Mary Jane Dyerman, of Washing-
ton County, from her husband James H. Dyerman.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Mary Jane Dyerman, of Washington county, be
and she is hereby divorced from her husband, James
H. Dyerman, a vinculo matrimonii.
Passed Mar. 8,
An act to authorise the Justices of the Orphans Court,
of Prince George's County, to loan out the School
Fund, of said County.
May loan out.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the justices of the orphans court,
of Prince George's county, be and they are hereby au-
thorised and directed to loan out the school fund of said
county, under their charge, in such sums, and upon
such time an in their judgment will best promote the
interests of said fund, and upon such security as
they may approve; provided, that no loan made un-
der the provisions of this act, shall exceed five hundred
dollars to any one borrower, and no loan now existing
shall be renewed for any amount above five hundred
Annual state-
ment, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be and is
hereby made the duty of the said justices, to publish
annually hereafter, in the month of April, in the county
newspaper of said county, a statement exhibiting the
amount of each loan at the date of publication, the
name of the person or persons to whom made, and the
time and security upon which the same was made.
Expenses —
how paid.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the costs of ad-
vertising shall be paid by said justices, out of the in-
terest accruing on said fund.