act, or by the constitution and bye laws of the asso-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said asso-
ciation shall have, and is hereby invested with full
power and authority to make any bye-law or bye-
laws, whereby any member thereof failing to pay the
assessments according to the constitution and bye-
laws of the association, until the fines imposed for
such neglect or refusal equal in amount the entire
sum of the assessments paid in by such member,
may be excluded from all benefit or benefits that
he might otherwise have become entitled to.
CHAP. 438.
To make bye-
laws, etc.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the constitu-
tion and bye-laws of said association, shall only be
amended or altered, saving however the condition
expressed in the fifth section of this act, which shall
remain unalterable, by a general meeting of the mem-
bers of this association, convened in pursuance of pub-
lic notice, given in at least one newspaper published
in the city of Baltimore, when each member present
shall have one vote, and two thirds of the votes thus
given shall decide, and any alteration or amendment
of the constitution or bye-laws that may be thus
made, shall be binding on all the members of the asso-
Amendment or
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the officers of said
association shall consist of a president, vice president,
treasurer, secretary and standing commute, consist,
ing of several members holding no other office in the
association, to be elected at a general meeting to be
held annually, and a majority of the members present
shall be necessary to a choice, the association shall
also have power to fill vacancies in any of the said
offices, and to appoint such other officers, as it may
deem expedient, and in such manner, and at such
time, as it may deem proper.
Officers — how
and when cho-
sen, &c.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That nothing herein
contained, shall be construed to grant banking privi-
leges to the said association, or to issue any note of
the nature of a bank note.
Banking forbid.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the right is here-
by expressly reserved to the General Assembly of
Maryland, to alter, amend or annul this act of incor-
poration at pleasure.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the acts of said
association, and of the members thereof, as such, which
do not exceed the powers granted to them by this act
of incorporation, and which have hitherto been done,
Declared valid.