E. H. Docwra, H. T. Compton, George Strohmeyer,
Philip Meir, John L. Brunner, Henry Frederick,
Henry Wittich, John McEldowney, John C. French,
H. S. Kimball, Conradt Jockel, C. Battenfield, Peter
Karnindun, William Nelson, Jacob H. Withelm,
John McAlpin, Henry Riepe, F. T. Hotthans, A,
Storch, Michael McCourt, William Morningstar, H.
Reisinger, Mary Lebranthnat, Charles Degenhard,
Paul Behlen, Francis Schad, Henry F. Matthaie,
Charles H. Brooks, E. Rowing, C. C. Egerton, senior,
John. F. Arminger, Joseph Y. Ford, John Mowbray,
William G. Middleton, B. R. Reynolds, Isaac Mat-
thews, Wm. M. Edwards, Henry Marshall, A. D.
Shutz, Jno. M. Holloway, Helen Brunnet, Richard
R. Woody, Luther C. Gadd, Elizabeth Platt, L. W.
Thuner, C. Leiman, John Lange, Simon Mersfelder,
Ransleir Smith, George S. Clogg, Thomas Gaha-
gan, John Slaughter, John Frederick, Henry
Wiegel, D. Blundell, Aug. C. Teitman, James
J. Brooke, William Volandt, F. Von Bokern, Charles
Reinhardt, Philip Henkel, J. H. Kiel, John H. Mil-
birn, Louis Hollweg, H. Henkelman, James G. Mc-
Creery, George H. Simmons, James G. Medly, Ed-
ward Choate, N. A. Merluzzi, James W. Gorman,
Uri Kilburn, Jacob Lieb, A. J. Wilhelm, James F.
Leu, Francis Schuerman, William G. Wetheral, Geo.
Gruble and others, are associated in the city of Balti-
more, under the name and style of the Baltimore
Homestead Association, to enable themselves to ob-
tain out of their joint funds, the means to purchase
real or leasehold property, erect houses, and redeem
mortgages, by giving real or leasehold mortgage
security, to secure the payment of the interest on the
sums of money advanced, and as well to secure the
payment of their subscriptions for stock, the capital
stock being formed by each member paying fifty
cents weekly for each share subscribed for; and
whereas, the said association of persons have transac-
ted business among themselves, the members thereof
having paid into the joint fund or capital suck, con-
siderable sums of money, and some of them having
received large sums of money from said joint fund, for
which they have given mortgage securities to the
persons named in said mortgages, in trust, for the pur-
poses therein set forth; and whereas, it is the wish
of the persons composing said association, that their
CHAP. 430.