CHAP. 426.
house in the school district laid out as aforesaid, and
they are hereby authorised and empowered for that
purpose to condemn or otherwise procure a lot or par-
of land for the same, and erect a school house thereon,
directed by the fourth section of the act of Decem-
ber Session, eighteen hundred and thirty eight, chap-
ter three hundred and sixty two, and fur the purpose
of building said school house, and paying for the lot
condemned as aforesaid, the said trustees are hereby
authorised to receive contributions for the same from
well disposed persons and to draw for any sum not
exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars, on the com-
missioners of tax for Saint Mary's county, who are
hereby required in pay over said amount to the trus-
tees or their order, by their complying with the requi-
sitions of the said fourth section of the said act of
eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, chapter three
hundred and sixty-two.
Duties and
powers of the
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the commission-
ers of tax for Saint Mary's county, are hereby requir-
ed to include the said school district laid out as afore-
Said, in the number of primary school districts for
Saint Mary's county, and to distribute to the trustees
aforesaid such equal proportion or sum of money, as
the said district may be entitled to, from the school
fund of said county, received from the Treasurer of
the State, in the same manner as if the said school
district had been provided for in the eighth section
of the act passed at December session, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-eight, chapter three hundred and six-
Entitled to the
same rights of
other districts.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the commission-
ers of tax for Saint Mary's county, the commission-
ers of primary schools for said county, and the trus-
tees hereafter to be appointed by the provisions of
this act, are hereby required and directed to include
the school district, laid out as aforesaid, among the
primary school districts of Saint Mary's county, and
they are respectively required to extend the provis-
ions of the act of December session, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-eight, chapter three hundred and
sixty-two, so far as their duties are defined in the
same, to the school district laid out as aforesaid, in
the same manner as if said school district had been
included in that act.
To employ a
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if the said trus-
tees shall in their discretion require the services of
surveyor, to lay out the lot or parcel of land required
for the site of the school house directed to be built