ing laws upon the introduction of negro slaves into this
State, and the payment of said tax shall not be requir-
ed for the introduction of the slaves aforesaid.
CHAP. 426.
An net entitled, an act appointing Commissioners to
divide School District Number three, in the second
Election District, of Saint Mary's County, and
to create an additional School District therein.
Passed Mar. 7,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly1
of Maryland, That the commissioners of tax for
Saint Mary's county, are hereby required to inquire
if the public interest and convenience will be promo-
ted by dividing school district number three, in
second election district of said county, and create an
additional school district therein, and if after such in-
quiry made, in their opinion the public interest and
convenience will be so promoted, they are hereby
authorised and directed to appoint three, discreet and
sensible persons, residents of the school district afore-
said, who shall act as commissioners, and who, or a
majority of them, are hereby authorised and em-
powered to divide said school district number four, in
third election district aforesaid, in such manner as to
lay out an additional district therein.
to inquire, etc.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That so soon as the
said commissioners shall have laid out the said
school district, and made their report of the same to
the commissioners of tax for Saint Mary's county,
which they are hereby required to do within ninety
days from the passage of this act, to be by the said
commissioners of tax recorded, it shall be the duty of
the commissioners of primary schools for the second
election district in said county, to appoint five suitable
and discreet persons, friendly to the establishment of
primary schools, and residents of said school district,
laid out as aforesaid, who shall act as trustees of such
school district.
how appointed.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said trus-
tees, as soon as they shall have qualified by taking
an oath or affirmation, that they will well and truly per-
form the duties of trustee, shall forthwith proceed to
select some central situation as a site for a school
To make oath.