CHAP. 425
Passed Mar. 8,
An act relating to Escheat Warrants.
Subject to the
limitation of act
of 1818, ch. 90.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That from and after the passage of this
act, all lands hereafter to be taken up under escheat
warrants, shall be subject as to limitation of possession,
to the provisions of the act of eighteen hundred and
eighteen, chapter ninety.
Limited time
to execute war-
rants of escheat.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all escheat
warrants hereafter to be issued, whether original or re-
newed, shall be executed within twelve months, and no
renewal of the same shall be allowed in cases when
such warrants shall not have been executed within
twelve months from the date of issue.
Renewals, &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all escheat warrants
heretofore issued, and by existing laws or the practice
of the land office, entitled to renewal within six months
from the date of the passage of this act, shall be en-
titled to one further renewal, and no more, and that
the provisions of this act shall in no manner apply
to, or affect the rights of any parties who have taken
out such warrants, or who may renew the same as above
provided in this section.
Passed Mar. 8,
An act for the relief of Thomas Mason, of Charles
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
that Thomas Mason, of Charles county, pending the
act passed December session, eighteen hundred and
forty-nine, entitled, an act to repeal all laws prohibiting
the introduction of slaves into this State, and a few
weeks before the final passage of said act, introduced
into Charles county, from the State of Virginia, five
negro slaves, which became his property by inheritance
as one of the heirs of George Mason, of Virginia —
from taxation.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said Thomas Mason, shall be and he is here-
by exempted from the tax imposed by the then exist-