CHAP. 417.
To erect toll-
gate and charge
as may be necessary and proper to comply with the
terms of said subscriptions.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the said com-
pany having perfected said road, or such parts thereof,
according to the intention of said act, it shall and
may he lawful for them to erect gates or pikes across
said road, and to appoint such and many toll-gath-
erers as they shall think proper to collect and receive
of and from any person or persons using said road,
the tolls and rates per mile according to the length of
the road as are charged and collected at the toll-gates
of the Boonsboro' turnpike road company, and to
stop any person, riding, leading or driving any hor-
ses, mules, oxen, sheep, hogs, sulkey, chair, chaise,
phaeton, roach, coachee, stage, cart, wagon, wain,
sleigh, sled or any other carriage of pleasure or bur-
den, from passing through the said gates until the
toll for the said passage shall have been paid; provid-
ed, that no toll gate shall be erected within one mile
of Boonsboro' or any other town or village, through
which said road may pass.
Banking forbid.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That, nothing in this
act shall be so construed as to allow said company to
issue any note, token, scrip, certificate or other evi-
dence of debt to be used as a currency, and the
legislature reserves to itself the right to alter or re-
peal this act of incorporation at pleasure.
Passed Mar. 7,
An act to encourage the destruction of Foxes, in
Washington County.
Allowance for
destroying fox-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this
act, every person who is an actual resident of Wash-
ington county, shall be entitled to an allowance from
said county, not to exceed one dollar, for every for
destroyed or killed by him or her.
To make oath.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be neces-
sary for the person so killing or destroying any fox or
foxes, to produce the head and tail of the same before
some justice of the peace in and for said county, to make
oath or affirmation, that the said fox or foxes was taken,
wounded or killed within the limits of the county