be endangered in crossing by the said pivot or draw
being out of place.
CHAP. 386.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons, either by design or neglect, fail to make the
said pivot or draw fast, or shall designedly put it out
of place, or injure it, such person, so offending, shall
forfeit and pay, not exceeding fifty dollars, for each
and every such offence, to be recovered, in the name
of the State, before any justice of the peace, in Kent
county, one half of the sum so recovered to the in-
former, and the other to the county, that the informer
shall be a competent witness, and that the same may
be recovered on presentment by the grand jury of
Kent county, in Kent county court, in the same
manner that misdemeanors are now tried in the said
Penalty for
neglecting to
fasten pivot.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the judges of Kent
county court, shall have the same power to act upon the
petition and proceedings in the said court, to open the
said road from near Washington college to or near Mil-
lington, in Kent county, as if there was no bridge to
be erected over Morgan's creek as aforesaid, that the
said bridge, when erected, shall he considered a part
of the public road, and that in adjudicating upon the
petition, commission, return and proceedings in the
said court, no matter of form shall be regarded, and
that all errors and informalities may be corrected and
amended in said court, by the order or suggestion
thereof, without delay, so as to bring the merits of the
proceedings fairly and speedily before the court.
Duty of judges
of county court.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That in case the said
road shall be granted or adjudged by the court, it
shall and may he lawful to and for the levy court of
Kent county, to levy the damages and expenses in
making the said road, in Kent county, in such instal-
ments as they may think best for the interest of the
how paid.
county, not exceeding three instalments-, provided,
that the parties applying for said bridge and road,
shall first pay to the levy court of Kent county, the
sum of five hundred dollars, to be applied by said
court towards making said road, exclusive of the
value of the land given, over which said road may
pass; and provided also, that this shall not extend to
the court charges and expenses in laying down and
locating said road.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall be in
force from its passage.
In force.