CHAP. 376.
bers, and for the promotion of those purposes, and the
cause of temperance generally.
May establish
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this corporation
shall have power to make bye-laws, and the same to al-
ter and amend at their pleasure; provided, they do not
conflict with the laws of the State of Maryland, the laws
of the United States, or the laws of the Grand Division
of the Sons of Temperance of the State of Maryland.
In force, &c.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpo-
ration shall enure for forty years from its passage, and
that the Legislature reserves to itself the right to alter
and amend this act of incorporation at pleasure.
Banking forbid.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
be construed so as to authorise the said corporation to
issue any note, token, device, scrip, or other evidence
of debt, to be used as a currency.
Passed March
5, 1850.
An act for the relief of Edward Guest, Richard G.,
Guest, John W. Guest, and Sally Guest.
WHEREAS, it appears to this General Assembly, that.
a certain Thomas D. Melbourn, late of Accomac coun-
ty, and State of Virginia, deceased, did on the thirtieth
day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and forty five, grant, bargain, sell, alien, en-
feoff, convey, and confirm unto Edward T. Guest,
Richard S. Guest, Job W. Guest and Sarah E. Guest,
a certain tract or part of a tract of land called Tanner's
Hill, lying and being situate in Worcester county, Ma-
ryland, but from an error of the parties, the deed given
for the same was recorded among the records of Acco-
mac county court, in the State of Virginia, as a refer-
ence to the said record will more fully show — There-
Made valid.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Thru the said deed from John D. Welbourn to Edward
T. Guest, Richard S. Guest, Job W. Guest, and Sarah E.
Guest, dated the thirtieth day of July, eighteen hundred
and forty-five, be and the same is hereby made as valid
and effectual as if the same had been acknowledged before
two justices of the peace, of the State of Maryland, in and
for Worcester county, and recorded within the time re-
quired by law; provided, said deed be recorded in the