provided, that in all cases no transfer of any such minor
from the counties shall be made until due notice has been
given to the superintendent of said House of Refuge,
and an answer been received from him that there is room
in the said House for the reception of such delinquent.
CHAP. 375.
SEC. 5 And be it further enacted, That the sheriffs
of the several counties of this State shall be allowed for this
transportation of any delinquent minor us aforesaid, the
same compensation as is now allowed, and to be paid in
the same manner as provided for in the case of transpor-
tation of convicts to the penitentiary.
Allowance to
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the sixth,
seventh, eighth, ninth, twelfth, and thirteenth sections
of the act establishing a House of Refuge for Juvenile
Delinquents, be and the same are hereby repealed.
An act for the Incorporation of Friendship Division,
Ninety-one, Sons of Temperance.
Passed Mar. 5,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Thomas I. Lawrence, Lewis Tin-
ges, Robert S. D. Jones, John W. Childs, John T.
Lyles, James G. Gover, T. P. Robinson, James H.
Childs, John T. Councilman, George M. Dew, Wil-
liam H. Cunningham, and others, the officers and
members of Friendship Division, number ninety-one,
of the Order of the Sons of Temperance, of the State
of Maryland, and their successors, be and they are
hereby incorporated and made a body politic and corpo-
rate, by the name and number of Friendship Divi-
sion, number ninety-one, Sons of Temperance, of the
State of Maryland, and by that name may sue and be
sued, plead and be impleaded, and have a common
seal, and the same, at their pleasure, to alter, and be
entitled to use all the powers and privileges incident to
such corporation.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the said corpora-
tion shall be capable of taking and holding real and per-
sonal estate, not exceeding in value the sum of fifteen
thousand dollars, which estate shall never be divided
among the members of the corporation, but shall descend
to their successors, for the benevolent relief of the sick
and distressed, the education of the orphans of its mem-
powers, etc.