clerk's office of Worcester county, within three months
after the passage of this act.
CHAP. 377.
An act to incorporate a Company to make a Turnpike
Road from Williamsport, in Washington County,
to the Pennsylvania Line, in the direction, of
Greencastle, in Franklin county, State of Pennsyl-
Passed March
6, 1850.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a company be and is hereby incor-
porated to make a turnpike road, in Washington county,
to be located as far us practicable upon the bed of the
county road running from Williamsport to Greencastle,
until it intersects the Pennsylvania line, to be construct
ed of stone, gravel or plank, and to be located, graded
and constructed under the direction of the president and
board of managers, to be chosen under the provisions of
this act.
To make turn-
pike road.
SEC. 2 And be it enacted, That subscription books
be opened for a capital slock, not to exceed thirty thou-
sand dollars, in shares of twenty dollars each, and that
subscriptions be taken at such times and places as the
commissioners named in this act may select, and agree
upon, until a sufficient amount of stock shall have been
Books to be
subscribed to complete the said road; provided, that due
notice shall have been given in one or more newspapers
published in said county, of the time and place of the
opening of the subscription books.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That Joseph T. Van
Lear, Abraham Leiter, Isaac Motter, Martin Bear,
Daniel Dun, David Newcomer, Jacob Funk, David
Zellar, John Cunningham, and Abraham Felker, or
any three of them, shall constitute a board of commis-
sioners to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of
said company, who shall, whenever in their judgment,
a sufficient amount of stock shall have been subscribed,
give notice to the subscribers that an election will be
held for a president, five managers, treasurer, and such
other officers as may be deemed necessary to conduct
the business of said corporation, and upon such notice,
to receive sub-