CHAP. 354.
Passed Mar. 7,
A further supplement to an act entitled, an act relating
to Attachments issued by Justices of the Peace, so
far as the same relates to Kent County.
When to go in-
to operation.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act passed at the present session, repealing the
fifth section of the law relating to attachments, and so
forth, passed December session, eighteen hundred and
forty-seven, chapter three hundred and twenty, shall
not apply to suits which may be pending in Kent coun-
ty court, and shall not take effect until the first day of
June next.
Passed March
7, 1850.
An act to continue in force such acts of Assembly as
would expire during the present session.
Expiring act
continued in
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all public acts, and parts of public acts, that
would expire with the present session of the General
Assembly, be and the same are hereby re-enacted and
continued in force until the last Monday in Decem-
ber, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and to the end
of the session of the General Assembly then to be
begun and held; provided, that this act shall not be
taken or construed so as to embrace any act, or parts
of acts which may have been, or shall be repealed, or
in anywise modified at the present session of the
General Assembly, or to extend to any charter or
charters of a bank or banks, or any act of incorpora-
tion of any kind or nature whatsoever, or the exten-
sion of the time of the same, or any of them.