CHAP. 356.
An act to provide for the measurement of Lime in Mont-
gomery County.
Passed Mar. 5,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That from and after the first day of June,
next, it. shall not be lawful to sell any lime brought into
said county for agricultural or other purposes, by any
bushel measure of less dimensions than the Winchester
bushel, containing twenty-one hundred and fifty and
forty-two hundreth cubic inches, and which has not
been approved and branded as required by the act of
eighteen hundred and twenty-five, chapter two hundred
and six.
of lime provid-
ed for.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person selling
lime not measured as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay for
each and every offence, ten dollars, and the purchaser
is hereby authorised to recover any deficiency which
shall be found to exist by the keeper of standard weights
and measures for said county, between the measure of
such seller and that required by this act, or the value
thereof, in any county court of this State, or before
any justice of the peace having jurisdiction thereof.
Forfeiture —
how recovered.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the penalty im-
posed by this act may be collected in the name of the
State of Maryland, as other fines, one half to the in-
former, and the other to the use of the State.
How collected.
An act to incorporate the Mutual Insurance Company
of Weverton.
Feb. 27, 1850.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Edward Garrott, James Giddings,
Elie Crampton, Barton Garrott, William Loughridge,
Jeremiah G. Morrison, Hezekiah Boteler, Benedict
Boon, William M. Thompson, Caspar W. Wever,
Bryan Philpott, Henry Rhodes. Christian Stonebraker,
Warren Garrott, Barton Boteler, Jacob A. Miller,
Emory Edwards, Robert Cushen, Tilghman Hilleary,
John P. Garrott, Samuel B. Preston, Thomas Barger,
David Grim, Richard Johnson, and Joseph Wallman,