CHAP. 351.
which purpose they may continue to exercise all the
corporate powers and privileges heretofore granted to
Directors may
continue to act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the present board of
directors shall continue to act as such, and in case of
the death or resignation hereafter of any among them,
the remaining directors shall be authorised to fill the
May bring suit.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That after the said com-
pany shall have wound up their affairs, by the distribu-
tion of their assets on hand, or otherwise, they may still
proceed, in their corporate capacity, to collect all debts
due to them by suit, or otherwise, and in like manner,
from time to time, do all the corporate acts necessary
for the proper application and distribution of said assets,
for which purpose the said company shall be deemed
and taken to be in full existence.
In force, &c.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall be
and continue in force until the first day of February,
eighteen hundred and seventy, and until the end of the
next General Assembly which shall happen thereafter,
unless sooner repealed; provided, that such repeal shall
Dot operate upon contracts and obligations then out-
standing and existing.
Passed March
6, 1850.
An act to Incorporate the Operative Society of Shoe-
makers, on the Ladies Branch.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That John Carney, Henry Hoon, Gran-
derson D. Jarvis, William Peacock, Richard Harding,
Thomas Flinn, Francis Johnson, Andrew T. Ritten,
W. N. Praetor, Henry Wilson, C. A. Eckies, William
Page, James T. Bums, Joseph Graham, Joseph W. Ir-
win, Joseph A. Busby, and Benjamin W. Riggs, of the
city of Baltimore, and all others, who are now or may
hereafter become members of this association, be and
they are hereby declared to be a community and body
politic, by the name, style and title of the Operative So-
ciety of Shoemakers on the Ladies Branch, and by that
name they, and their successors, shall at any time be
capable in law to sue and be sued , plead and be im-
pleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be