him or them whose office or offices has or have been
vacated as aforesaid; provided, the person or persons
shall have been one year a member or members of the
said church, immediately preceding such nomination,
and at least twenty-one years of age, and the said trus-
tees, so assembled, shall proceed to elect, and by a ma-
jority of votes, appoint the person or persons so nomina-
ted to fill such vacancies, in order to keep up the num-
ber of ten trustees forever, including the minister as
aforesaid appointed, and in case of an equal number of
votes, for and against such nomination, the minister hav-
ing the pastoral charge as aforesaid, shall have the cast-
ing vote.
CHAP. 350.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the minister having
the charge of the said circuit, for the time being, shall in
virtue of such appointment be president of the board of
trustees, but upon his removal by the said church au-
thorities from the charge of said circuit, he shall cease
to be a member of the corporation, and his successor in
office shall fill such vacancy.
Minister in the
charge of cir-
cuit to preside.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid trus-
tees of the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage of Patapsco
circuit, shall keep a journal of their proceedings, which
when duly signed by the president, and countersigned
by the secretary, shall be conclusive evidence of ap-
pointments to office and other business transactions by
To keep a
them done, provided, they do not conflict with the laws
of this State, nor the United States.
A further supplement to the act to Incorporate the Ma-
rine Insurance Company.
Feb. 28, 1850.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to the General
Assembly of Maryland, that the stockholders of the Ma-
rine Insurance Company, unable to wind up the affairs
of that company, within the time limited by the present
supplement to their charter, have at a meeting of their
board of directors called for the purpose, prayed for a re-
newal, and a further supplement to their charter—
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly,
of Maryland, That the said company are hereby au-
thorised and empowered to wind up their affairs, for
May wind up