CHAP. 342
Duties and
powers of con-
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the constables thus
elected by the people, or appointed by the board of com-
missioners, under the authority, of this act, shall have
and exercise all the powers now exercised by consta-
bles appointed by the county commissioners of said
To appear be-
fore grand jury.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of all the constables elected or appointed by this act, to
appear officially before the grand jury of Washington
county, within the first week of the terms of the court of
said county, free of charge to the said county; provided,
that nothing herein shall be construed as requiring them
to attend, unless the business of the State should de-
mand it.
To close his
SEC. 10. And, be it enacted, That any constable elec-
ted or appointed under this act, shall have power for the
space of three months after his term of office shall ex-
pire, to exercise all the powers pertaining to the office of
constable, so far as may relate to any unfinished busi-
ness remaining, officially, in his hands.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That in case of a con-
tested election under this act, the person intending to
contest, shall within ten days after the return of the
election, give a written notice to the person returned as
being elected, of his intention to contest his claim, and
upon the commissioners of said county being satisfied
that such contest is to be made, and that such notice
has been given, they shall appoint a convenient day to
hear such testimony as may be produced by the parties
respectively on the case, and said board of commission-
ers shall, upon the testimony brought before them, and
upon the merits of the whole case, decide between the
parties contesting, and their decision shall be final.
Notice to be
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the sheriff of
Washington county, be required to give notice of the
election of constables, in the same manner he is now re-
quired by law to give notice of other elections, and that
all persons entitled by law to vote for delegates to the
Assembly, in said county, may vote for constables at
such elections; provided, they have resided in the dis-
trict in which they attempt to vote, thirty days next pre-
ceding the election.
New districts.
SEC 13. And be it enacted, That should any new
election district or districts hereafter be formed in said
county the commissioners of said county, shall have
power, and it shall be their duly to determine the num-
ber of constables for said new district, who shall also in
like manner be elected by the people of said district, and
in all respects be governed by and subject to the provi-