which purpose the commissioners of said county shall
appoint a judge or judges, for each election district, to
hold such election, who shall each receive a compensa-
tion of two dollars for his services, and that, said judge
or judges shall, after the polls are closed, proceed to
count the ballots, and ascertain the number of Votes
given to each candidate, and said judges shall by certi-
ficate over their own signatures, and attested by the
clerks, make return of the same under seal, by one of
said judges to the clerk of the commissioners of said
county, within six days after said election, and the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, at their next
meeting, shall open said returns, and the four person^
resident in the third election district, the three persons
resident in the second election district, and the two per-
sons, resident in each of the remaining seven districts
respectively, receiving the highest number of votes, shall
be declared by said commissioners duly elected consta-
bles in and for said election districts, respectively, and said
commissioners shall immediately publish the result in
two newspapers of the county.
CHAP. 342.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That on or before the
first Monday in May next succeeding the election, the
constables so elected shall severally execute bonds, to be
approved by the commissioners of said county, as now
required by law, on which day after having thus bond-
ed, and complied with the further provisions of this act,
the term of office shall commence, and continue for two
To give bond.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That in the event of a
tie vote between any two or more of the candidates for
constables, at such election, in any of the several elec-
tion districts, the board of commissioners of said county,
shall make an election between the candidates thus
having tie votes, and the candidate or candidates thus
chosen by said board, shall be considered as duly elect-
ed to said office, and bond as aforesaid.
Tie votes.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That should any one or
more of the constables elected under the provisions of
this act, fail to bond within the time specified in the
fourth section of this act, or having bonded shall die,
resign, or remove from the limits of the district in which
he or they were elected, then the said county commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised
and directed to fill the vacancy or vacancies for the un-
expired term, and the person or persons so elected or ap-
pointed by the commissioners, shall bond as now required
by law.
how filled.