SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That it may and shall be lawful for
the commissioners who may be hereafter appointed by
Caroline county court, to value and divide said lands, to
proceed in the execution of said commission and exe-
cute the same without laying off the dower of the widow
therein separately, and that said widow may hold and
claim her dower therein and in every part thereof, un-
divided in the same manner as if such commission had
Lands to be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in case the said
commissioners shall make return to said court that in
their opinion the said lands are not susceptible of being
divided equally among all the parties interested, and
shall divide the same into fewer parts than there are
persons interested, and shall value the same, and their
said report shall be ratified by said court, then it shall
and may be lawful for the guardian or guardians of said
minors respectively, in their discretion to elect, to take, at
the valuation made by said commissioners for and in
the name of and in behalf of these wards respectively,
in the same manner as an heir of full age is entitled to
elect, any part or parts of said land not elected by the
heirs of full age, and any guardian so electing shall ex-
ecute bonds in the name of the said ward for whom
such election may be made, with sureties to be approved
by said court in such penalty as said court may prescribe,
conditioned to pay to the other persons entitled respec-
tively, their just proportions of such value in money,
and such bonds shall be binding upon such minor, in
the same manner as if elected by him or her, being of
full age, and shall be a lien on said land so elected.
If not suscepti-
ble of division.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That such right of elec-
tion to said guardians respectively, shall and may be
exercised by him or them, in the order of the ages of
his, her or their respective wards, in the same manner
as the minors if of full age might exercise the same.
Order of right
of election.