CHAP. 340.
peace for said county, that he will faithfully and im-
partially perform the duties required of him as bailiff,
constable and collector, within the limits of said vil-
lage, by virtue of this act, without favor, affection or
partiality, according to the best of his skill and judg-
ment, and the said bailiff, constable and collector shall
give bond in the same manner and under the same
penalties that the several constables and collectors of
the said county do, and it shall be the duty of the
said bailiff, constable and collector to attend the meet-
ings of the commissioners whenever he shall be re-
quired to perform such services, as shall from time
to time be by them directed, for the more effectual
accomplishing the object of this act, to prevent the
tumultuous and irregular meeting of slaves or free
negroes within the limits of said village, and to pun-
ish, with moderate correction, all such slaves and free
negroes as shall be found wandering or strolling about
the streets in the night time, and to prevent slaves
frequenting the houses of other persons, in said vil-
lage, without the consent or permission of their mas-
ters or mistresses.
how applied.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That all taxes, fines,
forfeitures and penalties imposed by the said commis-
sioners, by virtue of any law or ordinance, be applied
in such manner, for the use of the said village, as may
be from time to time by ordinance directed.
Passed March
6. 1850.
An act for the benefit of the Widow and Heirs of
Joseph P. W. Richardson, late of Caroline County,
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
that Joseph P. W. Richardson, late of Caroline county,
has died intestate, seized of a large real estate, leaving
a widow and seven children his heirs at law, upon
whom the same has devolved, three of whom are minors,
and that the said lands are not susceptible of being divi-
ded equally among all the persons interested without
loss and injury to them, and that it will be for the in-
terest, of all concerned if the said widow be authorised
to hold her dower therein undivided, and that the guar-
dians of said minors ought to be authorised to elect at