CHAP. 328.
trict as now laid off by law in said county, and con-
tained within the respective divisions us aforesaid, and,
the said reports so made and approved, shall form the
basis of any future distribution of the said fund, which
may be made by the paid board of primary education.
To distribute
school fund.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the board of prima-
ry education, in said county, are hereby required to
make the distribution of the said school fund, on the
basis provided in the first section of this act, on or before
the first day in November, eighteen hundred and fifty,
for the term of six years, and after the first day of No-
vember, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, the
said board of primary education, are hereby author-
ised and required to issue their orders semi-annnally to
the agent of the school fund of said county, requiring
him to pay over to the trustees of each school district, or
a majority of them, on their order, the proportion to
which said district may be entitled, according to the said
distribution; provided, that no district shall be entitled
to receive the full amount of its distribution, unless a
school shall have been kept in said district for at least
eight, out of twelve months, but that if a school shall
not. have been kept in any district for eight months, then
such district shall receive of her distribution, in propor-
tion to the time in which a school shall have been ac-
tually kept, and it shall be the duly of every board of
trustees, before they draw the money for their district, to
return to the said board of primary education, a list of
the scholars who attend said school as charily scholars;
provided nevertheless, that if any district shall not be
entitled to the full amount of its semi-annual payment,
by reason of the school not having been kept for the time
prescribed by this act, the trustees of said district, upon
the said time being completed, may at any time there-
after draw from the agent of the school fund the balance
of said semi-annnal payment to which said district may
be entitled.
To make oath.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said board of
primary education, shall require of the several members
of its body, who may he appointed under the provisions
of the first section of this act, to take an oath, before they
proceed to act, in due form of law, that they will report no
scholar that, is not, in their opinion, justly entitled to the
benefit of the charity school fund of Worcester county, and
that they will in all things conform to the true intent and
meaning of said section, to the best, of their knowledge,
and said hoard of primary education, shall pay out of
any money subject to their order, to each of said mem-
bers so appointed and qualified, a per diem not to ex-