quests, devises, and donations, to the only proper use
and behoof of primary schools in Carroll county.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners of primary schools shall he, and they are here-
by vested with authority to divide each election dis-
trict of said county into as many school districts as
in their judgment they may .deem expedient or neces-
sary for the convenience of the inhabitants thereof.
CHAP. 309.
Election dis-
tricts to be di-
vided into
school districts.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners of primary schools, and their successors, in
Carroll county, shall apportion the said school fund,
and every other fund, including the academy fund,
belonging to the primary schools in said county,
among the several districts of said county, according
to the number of children in attendance upon said
Division of the
school fund.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the legal voters of
each school district shall elect, by ballot, annually, on
the first Wednesday of October, three sensible and
discreet persons, residents thereof, who shall be called
trustees of primary schools for said district, whose
duty it shall be to superintend and direct the manage-
ment of the school in their particular and respective
district, subject to the visitation and supervision of the
said school commissioners.
Voters to elect
three trus-
tees in each
school district.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners may, from time to time, in their discretion,
prescribe the course of study to be pursued in said
schools, the qualification of teachers, the books to be
used, and the hours of study and recreation, and
shall admit to all the privileges of said schools, not
more than four pupils from each school district, with-
out pay or charge of any kind, but all other pupils
shall pay not less than one, nor more than two dol-
lars per quarter, according to their studies, in the dis-
cretion of said commissioners, and no preceptor in
said schools shall admit to said school any pupil, free
of charge, without an order from the trustees for the
said school district in which said application is made,
and the said school commissioners may, in their dis-
cretion, order and direct an examination of the scho-
lars to be had id their presence, at least twice in each
and every year, at which the preceptors shall be pre-
sent, and said commissioners, or a majority of them,
are hereby authorised to appoint preceptors for said
schools, and dismiss them when they deem it proper
and necessary.
Duties and
powers of the
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That no commissioner
of primary schools elected according to the provisions
Oath required.