CHAP. 309.
legal voters of each election district in Carroll county,
annually, on the first Wednesday in October, to elect,
by ballot, one sensible and discreet person, resident of
said district, as a school commissioner for said district,
and the persons so elected shall be called the commis-
sioners of primary schools in Carroll county, and by
that name may sue and he sued, plead and be im-
pleaded, in any of the courts of this State.
When to meet,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That within thirty days
after said commissioners shall have been elected, ac-
cording to the provisions of this act, the said com-
missioners shall meet at the town of Westminster, in
said county, and organise by the election, from their
own body, a president, treasurer, and secretary, and
it shall be the duty of the tax commissioners of said
county, and they are hereby required, to put in the
possession of said commissioners of primary schools,
all books, bonds, evidences of debt, and all monies
said property of every description now in their posses-
sion, or winch may hereafter come into their posses-
sion, belonging to the primary schools of said county,
and the said tax commissioners are hereby divested of
all authority over the school fund of said comity, or
any other fund for the benefit of primary schools in
said county, which said authority is hereby vested in
said commissioners, elected as aforesaid, as commis-
sioners of primary schools in said county.
Duty of presi-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the said president to preside at the meetings of the
said commissioners, who shall convene under the
provisions of this act, as often as he deems it proper
to call them together, and that it shall he the duly of
the said treasurer to publish annually in two news-
papers published in said county, the condition of the
school fund, and all other funds applicable to the pri-
mary schools of Carroll county, including the acade-
my fund, and the manner in which the same has been
disbursed, and whence received, and that it shall he
the duty of the said secretary to attend all meetings
of the said commissioners, and keep a record of their
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners of primary schools, and their successors, shall
have no authority, and are hereby prohibited from
using the principal of said school fund, but only use
the interest thereof, for the benefit of said primary
schools, and that said commissioners, and their suc-
cessors, are hereby made capable of receiving be-