CHAP. 33.
A supplement to an act entitled, an act for incorporat-
ing a society to educate and maintain poor orphan
and other destitute female children, by the name of
the Orphaline Chanty School, and to repeal the act
of Assembly therein mentioned.
Passed Jan. 28,
WHEREAS, by an act of the General Assembly of
Maryland, passed at December session, eighteen hun-
dred and forty-six, chapter fifty-four, the Baltimore Fe-
male Orphan Asylum is authorised to take charge of
destitute male children, as well as female, and it is
therefore desirable that the name of the said society
should be altered.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland
That the name, style and title of the Baltimore Female
Orphan Asylum, be and the same is hereby changed to
that of the Baltimore Orphan Asylum.
Name changed.
An act further supplementary to an act entitled, an act
to revive the act to incorporate the Humane Impar-
tial Society of the City of Baltimore, and to change
the name, of said Corporation.
Passed Jan. 28,
WHEREAS, the members of the corporation, entitled,
the President and Managers of the Baltimore Humane
Impartial Society, are desirous to enlarge the sphere of
their benevolent operations in aid of indigent women, to
provide a suitable home for the aged, and to obtain ad-
ditional corporate powers and privileges — Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the name, style and title of said
Corporation shall be and the same is hereby changed
to that of the Baltimore Humane Impartial Society and
aged Women's Homo, and the objects and purposes of
said corporation are hereby declared to be, to employ
and relieve indigent women, to provide a suitable home
for the aged, and to maintain and educate, orphans.
Act revived.