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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 24   View pdf image
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CHAP. 34


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corpora-
tion shall have power to take by gift, devise, bequest or
otherwise, property, real and personal, and the same to
hold, possess and retain, or to lease, sell and dispose of;


provided, that the property to be by the said corporation
at any one time held, shall not exceed in clear annual
value the sum of twelve thousand dollars.

Terms of do-

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any female or any
other person, who shall make a donation at any one
time to the funds of said corporation of the sum of thir-
ty dollars, shall be a member thereof for life; and any
female or any other person who shall subscribe and
pay to said funds a sum not less than three dollars an-
nually, by said subscription and payment, shall become
a member of said corporation, and shall continue a mem-
ber thereof so long as such shall be annually paid.

May appoint
additional trust-

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the members of
said corporation, or a majority of the members who shall
be present at a meeting to be held for that purpose, shall
be and they are hereby authorised to appoint, in addi-
tion to the trustees authorised by the original act of in-
corporation, not exceeding four trustees, so that the num-
ber of trustees at any one time shall not exceed eleven;
and in case of the death, resignation or removal out of
the State, of any of the said additional trustees, or of
their successors, to be from time to time appointed as
hereinafter directed, it shall be in the power of a major-
ity of the members of said corporation who shall be pre-
sent at a meeting held for that purpose, to fill such va-
cancy or vacancies.

Continue in

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the original act
of incorporation, passed at November session, eighteen
hundred and eleven, chapter eighty-six, and the several
supplements thereto, except so far as the same shall have
been altered, and this act, shall be and continue in force
until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and

Right reserved.

SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Legislature re-
serves the right to change, alter or repeal this act at


Passed Jan. 28,


An act to incorporate the Locust Point Steam Firry
Company of Maryland.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That William Robertson H. William

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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 24   View pdf image
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