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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 20   View pdf image
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CHAP. 28.

chased from the heirs of the late Peregrine Beck, of
said county, be and the same is hereby transferred to
the said Benjamin H. Start, to him and his heirs for-

Not to affect

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained shall be so construed as to affect the right, title
and interest, if any, which any other person, whom-
soever, may have in said property.


Passed Jan. 24,

An act to declare the power of the Courts in certain
cases, relating to the Attorney General, and Depu-


WHEREAS, doubts have been expressed in regard to
the power of the courts of the State to appoint a per-
son to represent the interest of the State, in the ab-
sence of the Attorney General or his deputy — There-

Court may

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That whenever it may become neces-
sary, by the absence, sickness, resignation or death of
the Attorney General, or his regularly appointed de-
puty, the several county courts, the court of Howard
District, and the city court of Baltimore, respectively,
shall have and exercise the power to appoint some
competent person who shall perform the duties usu-
ally performed in such court by the Attorney Gene-
ral, or his deputy, in conducting criminal or civil
cases therein arising or depending, until an Attorney
General, or a deputy, shall be appointed and qualify,
or be able to attend and act in person, as the case may


Deputies to

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in case of the death
or resignation of the Attorney General, the deputies
who are acting by his appointment, may continue to
discharge the duties of their several appointments,
until superseded by a person who shall have been
duly appointed and qualified.

Same fees.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the person or per-
sons appointed under the. provisions of this act, shall
he entitled to have and receive the same fees and com-
pensation which the Attorney General and his depu-
ties are now entitled to receive by law.

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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 20   View pdf image
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