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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 19   View pdf image
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C H A P. 27.

An act to allow Robert W. Carter, trustee of Thomas
F. W. Vinson, deceased, late Sheriff and Collector
of Montgomery county, further time to complete his

Passed Jan. 29,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Robert W. Carter, trustee of Thomas F. W.
Vinson, deceased, late sheriff and collector of Mont-
gomery county, or any trustee who may be appointed
hereafter, shall be allowed further time, until the first
day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, to
collect all taxes and fees due to the said Thomas F.
W. Vinson, in the same manner in which the said
Thomas P. W. Vinson was authorised to do whilst

Time allowed.

he. was in office; provided, that this act shall not ex-

tend to any person or persons, his, or her, or their
representatives, against whom any such taxes or fees
may have been rendered, who shall make oath or af-
firmation before a justice of the peace, that the same
be satisfied.



An act for the relief of Benjamin H. Start, of Kent

Passed Jan. 29,

WHEREAS, Benjamin H. Start, of Kent county, in
eighteen hundred and forty-seven, purchased for a
full and fair consideration, a certain tract of land,
containing about ninety-five acres, and having reason
to believe that the grantees could convey a good and
sufficient title, has greatly improved the property since
his purchase; and whereas, doubts are now entertain-
ed whether the said property is not escheatable to the
State — Therefore,


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all the right, title and interest which
the State of Maryland may have, by escheat, in and
to a certain tract of land lying in Kent county, called
"Prince William," containing about ninety-five acres,
and which Benjamin H. Start, of Kent county, pur-


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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 19   View pdf image
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