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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 13   View pdf image
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as aforesaid, to give to the purchaser of the said James
W. Dennis, interest in said lands a deed of conveyance
of the interest so as aforesaid sold, and it shall not be ne-
cessary to recite in said deed the date of the issue of the
writ of fieri facias by virtue of which the some was sold,
and the said deed when executed, acknowledged and
recorded, as other deeds are now by law required to be,
shall be as good and effectual at law and in equity, as
though the said writ of fieri facias was fully and correctly
recited therein.


CHAP. 19.

An act to change the qualification of Judges in the elec-
tion of Trustees for the Clear Spring Academy.

Passed Jan. 24,

WHEREAS, it is represented by the trustees of the
Clear Spring Academy, that they labor under great in-
convenience in procuring two magistrates to conduct the
annual election for trustees of said academy, as now re-
quired by the charter of said institution — Therefore,


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the trustees of said institution, may at the next an-

nual election for trustees of said academy, and forever
after, select any two persons within, the limits of the
Clear Spring district to hold such election, who in their
judgment are in every way qualified for such purpose,
and who may and shall conduct said election in the
same way and manner as is now required of two justices
of the peace.


Trustees may

An act for the relief of Joseph W. Walker, of the city
of Baltimore.

Passed Jan. 24,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the commissioners of insolvent debtors for
the city and county of Baltimore, be and they are here-
by authorised and empowered to grant to Joseph W.
Walker, of the city of Baltimore, the benefit of the sev-

Have benefit.

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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 13   View pdf image
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