C H A P. 17.
Passed Jan 19,
An act far the relief of David G. Odell.
WHEREAS, it appears of record, that some time dur-
ing November term, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight,
Worcester county court, a writ of fieri facias did issue
out of said court to the sheriff of said county directed,
David G. Odell being at that time sheriff of said county,
returnable to said court on the first Monday of May,
eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, at the suit of John
Spencer, against the goods and chattles, lands and ten-
ements of James W. Dennis and Nancy F. Dennis, and
the clerk of said court neglected to record the day that
said writ was issued; and whereas, the said David G.
Odell, sheriff as aforesaid, after the said writ came to
his hands, did by virtue thereof, sell the interest, of the
said James W. Dennis in and to certain lands lying in
said county, on the twenty-sixth day of March, one
thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, to satisfy said
writ; and whereas, the said writ hath been lost, or des-
troyed, so that the said sheriff cannot make return there-
to, as therein he was commanded, and by reason of
there being no record of the day of issue of said, a
duplicate thereof cannot be made.
Court may di-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That it may and shall be lawful, af-
ter the passage of this act,; for Worcester county court,
upon proof being made to their, satisfaction, of the facts
above stated, which are not of record, by the said David
G. Odell, to order, and direct the clerk of Worcester
county court to issue a writ of fieri facias, as of Novem-
ber term, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, leaving the
date of the issue thereof blank, in favor of John Spen-
cer, against the goods and chatties, lands and tenements
of James W. Dennis and Nancy F. Dennis, and con-
forming in all respects to the record of said case, so far
as the same may appear, and the report and return of
the said David G. Odell, of his proceedings under and
by virtue of the original fieri facias shall he made to the
writ hereby authorised to be issued, and shall be as good
and effectual, both at law and m equity, to convey and
transfer to the purchaser at the said sheriff's sale of said
lands, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said
James W. Dennis, at law and in equity, of, in, and to
the said lands so as aforesaid sold, as though the same
had been made to the original writ of fieri facias.
To give deed.
SEC. 2. That it may and shall be lawful, after the
passage of this act, for the said David G. Odell, sheriff,