CHAP. 136.
Passed Feb. 26,
An act to extend the time of Elias L. Delashmutt,
fanner Collector of State and County Taxes for
Frederick County, to enable him to complete his col-
Time allowed.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the time limited by law, within
which Elias L. Delashmutt, former collector of State
and county taxes for Frederick county, should have
made his collections, be and the same is hereby ex-
tended to the first day of May, eighteen hundred and
To deliver ac-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Elias L.
Delashmutt, before he proceeds to collect under and
by virtue of this act, shall make out and deliver to
the person or persons from whom any taxes, or ba-
lances of taxes, may be demanded, on account of the
taxes or balances of taxes due from such person or
persons, and if the amount claimed be disputed by
the party, shall annex an affidavit that the same is
due and unpaid.
Passed Feb. 28,
An act imposing certain duties upon certain Incorpo-
rated Institutions of this State.
WHEREAS, There appears to be, in the several banks
of this State, a considerable amount of dividends and
deposits uncalled for, in consequence, perhaps, of
death, removal, or from forgetfulness of the party or
parties entitled to them — Therefore,
Notice to be
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Mary/and, That it shall be. the duty of the several
banks in this State, in the month of May next, and
annually thereafter, to cause to be published in some
newspaper printed in the city of Baltimore, once a
week for four weeks in succession, a list of the de-
posits and dividends in their respective banks, which
have been of more than three year's standing, and
unclaimed or uncalled for, together with the names
of the parties who are entitled to the said dividends
and deposits and their amounts.