CHAP. 127.
deprive the State of the right to have and receive, and
to compel the payment into the State treasury of any
sum or sums of money received by the said John M.
Carleton, or by any person or persons employed by
him as deputy or deputies as aforesaid, on account of
the State taxes for the years aforesaid; and provided
further, that the credit as aforesaid shall not be entered
as aforesaid, until the treasurer of the State shall cer-
tify to the commissioners as aforesaid, that the several
amounts of State taxes due by the several taxable in-
habitants, opposite to their names in the book or books
of entry as aforesaid, or so much thereof as have not
been collected by the said John M. Carleton, or by
the person or persons employed by him as deputy or
deputies as aforesaid, have been collected and paid
into the State treasury by the collector hereinafter au-
thorised to be appointed for that purpose.
Collector to be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
of Allegany county be and they are hereby authorised
and required to appoint a collector for the collection
the taxes in arrear in said county, for the years one
thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and one thou-
sand eight hundred and forty-two; that the said col-
lector shall give bond in the usual form, and in such
penalty as the said commissioners may prescribe, re-
gard being had to the amount of taxes to be collected,
and shall proceed to make the said collections, and
shall be entitled to use the means to enforce payment
thereof, now provided by existing laws for the collec-
tion of the ordinary State and county taxes, and the
said commissioners shall allow the said collector such
compensation for his services, not exceeding ten per
cent upon the whole amount collected, as they may
deem just and reasonable.
Duties of col-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said collector
shall make his said collections, and shall pay over
amounts by him collected within the time required by
law in other cases, in default of which his bond shall
be put in suit.
How collec-
tions are to be
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the better to enable
the said collector to collect the said taxes, the com-
missioners as aforesaid are hereby directed to deliver
to him the book or books of entry of taxes as afore-
said, from which he shall make out his accounts
against the several taxable inhabitants as aforesaid,
from whom it appears the taxes due by them for the
years aforesaid, had not been collected by the said
John M. Carleton, or by any person or persons em-
ployed by the said John M. Carleton, as his deputy