SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That all acts inconsis-
tent with this act, be and the same are hereby repeal-
acts repealed.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Commissioners of the tax of Al-
legany county are hereby authorised and directed,
upon the production, by John M. Carleton, late collec-
tor of State taxes in said county, of his book or books
of entry of State taxes due by the taxable inhabitants
of said county, for the years eighteen hundred and
forty-one, and eighteen hundred and forty-two, made
by him, or by any person or persons employed by him
for that purpose, from the list of taxable inhabitants
and valuation and assessment of property placed in
his hands by the clerk of the commissioners as afore-
said, for the years aforesaid, as required by law, and
upon affidavit by the said John M. Carleton, made in
due form of law, that the several amounts opposite
the name or names of the several taxable inhabitants
thereon, have not been paid by them respectively, and
that he is ready and willing to deliver the said book
or books of entry of taxes as aforesaid, to the said
commissioners; and upon the delivery of the said
book or books of entry of taxes as aforesaid to the said
commissioners, to allow to the said John M. Carleton
a credit upon his accounts for arrears of taxes due by
him to the State, as collector for the years aforesaid ;
To be entitled
to credits, &c.,
upon delivery
of books
provided however, that if it shall appear that any of
the several amounts opposite the name or names of
the said taxable inhabitants, in said book or books of
entry as aforesaid, or any part of any of them has
been paid to the said John M. Carleton, or to any per-
son or persons employed by him as deputy or deputies,
in the collection of the said State taxes, and not paid
into the treasury of the State, By the said John M.
Carleton, or by the person or persons employed by
him as aforesaid, then the credit as aforesaid shall be
reduced in like proportion; and provided further, that
nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to