or deputies in the collection of the State taxes as afore-
said, on which he shall endorse, that the account is
taken from the book or books of entry of taxes as
aforesaid, and is due for the years aforesaid.
CHAP. 128.
SEC...5. And belt enacted, That the clerk of the
commissioners aforesaid shall, within sixty days after
the collector herein authorised to be appointed, has duly
qualified as required by law, transmit to the treasurer
of the State a full transcript of the said bonk or books
of entry of taxes as aforesaid.
Duty prescri-
A supplement to the charter of the Baltimore Equitable
Society, for the Insuring of Houses front loss by
Passed Feb. 9,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Baltimore Equitable Society,
for the insuring of houses from loss by fire, be and,
they are hereby authorised to purchase or acquire real
property for their convenience and accommodation in
the transaction of their business, and may also acquire
and hold other real estate as the society shall purchase,
under a judgment or decree in its favor, to secure debts
due said Society.
May hold prop-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the directors of
said society, or the majority of them present, and
forming a quorum, shall hereafter have power and
authority to elect the treasurer of said society, and
that said election shall be conducted in such manner
and under such rules and regulations as may be pre-
scribed by the bye-laws of said association, for the
conducting of the same.
Power of direc-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of said
society shall have power and authority, hereafter, to
sign all policies of insurance issued by said society,
which shall be, when thus signed, to all intents and
purposes, as binding and valid as if the same were to
be signed and executed by three directors of said
Powers of the
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That in all instances
which have or may hereafter occur, where a person or
persons may be insured, in respect to his or their pro-
perty in, or received a policy from, the office of said
To be entitled
to benefits, &c.