CHAP. 122.
Made valid.
ferred to, and its supplements, were irregularly held —
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all elections of officers of said corporation,
whether regular or special, from the year eighteen
hundred and thirty-seven, up to this date, he and the
same are hereby made valid and binding, and that all
the acts of the officers so elected shall be as valid and
binding as if said elections had been made according
to the strict requirements of the law.
Passed Feb. 7,
An act for the relief of James H. Lee, and Rachel,
his wife, and others.
WHEREAS, It has been represented, to this General
Assembly, on the petition of James H. Lee, and Rachel,
his wife, Hezekiah Beall, and Eliza, his wife, Thomas
Baldwin, and Minerva Baldwin, which said Rachel, ;
Eliza, Thomas and Minerva, are representatives and
devisees of Thomas Baldwin, deceased, that certain veal
estate was devised, by the said deceased, for the sup.
port and education of his said children, until they be-
came of age, and not to be sold until they became of
age; that said real estate is entirely unproductive,and
that it would be greatly to the advantage of the said
devisees that the same be now sold, and the proceeds
divided amongst them; and whereas, the said peti-
tioners pray, that the Frederick county court, as a
court of equity, may have power to decree a sale of
said real estate — Therefore,
County court
may decree a
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Frederick county court, as a
court of equity, be and they are hereby authorised
and empowered, in their discretion, upon proof al-
ready taken, or hereafter to be taken, in the usual
way, upon bill and answer, to decree a sale of said
real estate, any thing in the will of the said Thomas
Baldwin to the contrary notwithstanding, and that
the proceeds of said sale be disposed of for the ad-
vantage of all the parties interested, as the said court
shall decree.
To appoint a
competent per-
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said
court be and the same is hereby authorised and em-
powered to appoint a suitable person of said county,