Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the boun-
dary line between the first and seventh election dis-
tricts of Prince George's county, shall be altered, and
that the folio wing be and is hereby made the boundary
line between the same, beginning at the mouth of a
stream called the Horsepen branch, on the west bank
of the big Patuxent river, and thence westerly with
said stream to the farm or plantation of Mrs. Walter
Bowie, and thence southerdly in a direct line to a
place known as Hickory Hill, on the road between
the farms or plantations of Mrs. Walter Bowie and
Richard W. Isaacs, and thence with said road to its
point of junction with the main or public road within
and on the farm or plantation of Dr. Thomas McGill,
near the Chapel, and thence westerly with said road
to its point of junction with the public or main road,
within and on the farm or plantation of Mrs. Mary
McGruder, and now the boundary line, in part, be-
tween said district; and those citizens of Prince
George's county, who live in the first election d strict
of said county, as altered by this act, shall vote where
the polls are or may be held in said first election dis-
trict, and those residing in the seventh election dis-
trict of said county, as altered by this act, shall vote
where the polls are or may be held in said seventh
election district.