CHAP. 9.
George's county, be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners to mark and lay out the boundaries
prescribed in the preceding section, provided they act
free of any charge to Prince George's county.
Majority of
to act.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That a majority of said
commissioners shall have full power and authority to
act and carry into full force, the provisions of the
first section of this act.
laws repealed.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all laws inconsis-
tent with the provisions of this act, be and they are
hereby repealed.
Jan. 6, 1848.
An act giving the consent of the Legislature of Mary-
land, to the purchase of land by the United States
of America.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this Legislature, that
the United States of America proposes to purchase of
Patrick Byrne, of Washington county, a certain tract
of land in said county, hereinafter described, to be
used for purposes connected with the arsenal at Har-
per's ferry, and that the said Patrick Byrne is willing
to sell the same to the United States — Now, therefore,
Consent given.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the consent of the Legislature of
Maryland, be and the same is hereby given, to the pur-
chase by the United States of America, from the said
Patrick Byrne, his heirs, devisees or assigns, of a cer-
tain tract of land, or any part thereof, lying in said
county of Washington, and granted by patent from the
State of Maryland to the said Byrne, dated on the
eighth day of January, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred
and twenty-two, by the name and title of Burn's Island
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall com-
mence and be in force from its passage.
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