CHAP. 75.
said act of assembly; and that afterwards in the year
eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, by authority of the
congregation aforesaid, a change was made, and the
original plan or constitution was repealed and a new one
adopted, and trustees were at that time elected, who
acknowledged the same as required by said act of as-
sembly; but the said society or congregation have lately
become aware of the fact that, by some neglect, the said
constitution has not been recorded as required by said
act, and as intended by the society when it was adopted;
and that the said society have lately passed a resolution
recognizing the constitution of eighteen hundred and
thirty-nine, as the present constitution of the society,
and have directed the present trustees of said socie-
ty again to acknowledge the same, and to have it recor-
ded as required by said act of assembly, and to take
such other proceedings as may be necessary to render
legal and valid said constitution of eighteen hundred
and thirty-nine, and all proceedings which have hereto-
fore been or may hereafter be adopted under it, and the
said trustees have prayed the General Assembly to pass-
this act — Therefore,
Made valid.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said constitution of eighteen hundred and
thirty-nine, when recorded, and all proceedings which
have heretofore been or which may hereafter be adopt-
ed under it, shall be as legal and valid to all intents and
purposes whatever, as if the said constitution had been
recorded within six months after the acknowledgement
of it in eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, in accordance
with the provisions of the fifth section of the said act of
eighteen hundred and two, chapter one hundred and
Feb. 11, 1848.
An act to make valid a deed from John G. Wolf and
Susan Y. Wolf, his wife, to John Frock, Benjamin
Koons, Peter Heck and others, trustees of the German
Reformed Church at Taneytown.
Made valid.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the title to the property mentioned
and described in a deed from John G. Wolf and Susan
Y. Wolf, his wife, to John Frock, Benjamin Koons,